What do we Really Know we Know?

What can we truly say we know, without a shadow of a doubt?
Is there anything out here that is truly true?

I know a lot of things that I claim are the truth, for example I know that I hate guavas, I know I cannot stand the smell of wet dog, and I know that I love dancing, I love movement in general-and I know this without a doubt.

But what about those things that we say we know but cannot bet our lives on that knowledge?
I know that God loves me; I know that He made me, put me together purposefully; and desires for me to be part of His family for eternity. 
I know that He was here before time-through time-and will be even after time as we know it is no longer valid. I know that He watches over earth, guiding and protecting, saving and delivering. 
I know that He has proved His love for us over and over again; the most through giving His own Son to die in the place of humanity.
My knowing is tangible, it is real, and it is far beyond my own understanding. It is a knowledge I will never be able to shake, just like the knowledge of my hatred for guavas-there is nothing that can change my mind.

How did I get to this knowledge? No, I was not born knowing.

'...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured on the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12 vs 1

My knowing God's love has come to me through faith-faith that Jesus Himself has brought into my life.
I know beyond doubt that this one thing I know is real.

So, what do you know you know?


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