Choosing to Walk in Peace

Peace is a general concept. It can mean different things such as peace of mind or inner peace, peace from war, and peace in relational contexts, to name a few. A quick wiki search on the definition of peace brings its description as 'a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors.' add wiki link.

An article posted on Letterpile* by Dora Weithers gives a beautiful illustration of peace as being the state one chooses to be in regardless of the situation; be it times of danger or calm. As a Christian, I propose that having and maintaining a peaceful heart is a genuine challenge. I say this because peace is not an inbuilt trait in humans regardless of their faith. Rather, it is something that has to be attained and worked on constantly. It is a personal choice that everyone makes at one point or another. For some, depending on their personality, religion, background, or other such factor; living peacefully is not difficult at all, yet it still remains a choice that they make.

The Bible seems to have much to say on the subject of peace. For example, there is mention of finding peace in the face of death (Genesis 15 v 1), finding peace in times of distress (Leviticus 26 vs 6), and even of peace being a blessing that is given to man (Psalms 29 vs 11).

If I could come up with a simple five step formula of getting and keeping peace as a Christian, it would probably look like this;

  • Step 1: Submit to God (Job 22 vs 21). You cannot have peace when every aspect of your life rests squarely on your own shoulders. I'm talking of past, present and future here. Give your life over to your Creator with the trust of a child in their parent. The verse says 'submit to God and you will have peace, then things will go well with you.'
  • Step 2: Allow the peace of God to rule over your heart (Colossians 3 vs 18). This particular step has been a constant learning process in my personal life. It may involve going back a few steps and moving forward once you are reminded that on the throne of your heart should be peace, in the form of the Prince of Peace Himself (Jesus Christ). 
  • Step 3: Plant seeds of peace (James 3 vs 18). This step is particularly useful in maintaining and building up your attitude of peace. Choosing to be quiet when you could say hurtful words, choosing to forgive when you seemingly have every right not to, going without for the sake of someone else; these are all examples of sowing peace. They are also examples of how to build character. The verse says 'plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.'
  • Step 4: Begin to reap what you have sowed (Isaiah 32 vs 17). After sowing words, thoughts, and actions out of peace; the fruit that comes from this is righteousness (a right standing  with God), quietness (the absence of anxiety and fretfulness), and confidence. Isaiah says 'righteousness will bring peace. Yes it will bring quietness and confidence forever.'
  • Step 5: Out of the peace ruling your heart (the Prince of Peace), and out of the peace you work  daily to uphold through the power of the Holy Spirit; make it your mission to live peacefully with the rest of humanity. Romans 12 vs 18 says 'do all you can to live in peace with everyone.'
So there you go, my version of choosing peace in a world that often portrays angst and darkness as the norm. Jesus came to have a relationship with mankind, to bring us into His own family. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, if you have Jesus - you have Peace.

God bless,


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