Vulnerability. An Introduction to the Series

Image from New Yorker Cartoon Being vulnerable is not something that comes as second nature to us humans. Most of us are in a constant battle to fight for a strong, unbreakable image and to deny even the slightest presence of weakness. It is not even a question of which gender is more likely to be expressive in their vulnerability; both can be very deeply rooted in denial - in my unprofessional opinion. So why vulnerability? What is wrong with wearing a mask anyway? Who actually benefits from being vulnerable? If you would like to hear more on this topic, join me as I explore this it in detail for the next few entries. I have always found this area to be a bit vague and wishy-washy. And yes, I naturally lean more to the notion of putting on a brave face and 'being of good cheer' even when cheer is far removed from what I actually feel inside. However, the reality of people finding themselves in a vulnerable space is becoming more and more evident to me in my therapy pr...